Putting Lili Wronker "On the Map"

I work at the Jewish Women's Archive, and we have a "proof of concept*" map mash-up (http://jwa.org/onthemap) in which you can note a location and then describe the life or events that took place at that location. While visiting calligrapher, teacher, printer Lili Wronker at her retirement home last month it occurred to me that I would take great comfort in noting the address in Queens to which I--and many others--made pilgrimmages over the years to learn, to share, and to enjoy good conversation. I posted a preliminary description of her work at http://jwa.org/onthemap/jamaica-ny-home-of-hebrew-calligrapher-lili-wronker and invite others who know her to add comments and information. There is also a link there to the video about her that was put up on YouTube a couple of years ago and, of course, a scan of the work that was published in Briem's delightful Sixty Alphabets book a quarter of a century ago.

What other women belong "On the Map" there? Who will be the first to add a new entry?

*"proof of concept" - we did something quickly, almost over a weekend. Now we have to find the funding and the resources to do it well and integrate it with the rest of our Archive

About this Entry

This page contains a single entry by Ari Davidow published on July 30, 2011 12:22 PM.

About the printer, Judith Rosanes was the previous entry in this blog.

A book on Hebrew Typography? What would it contain? is the next entry in this blog.

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